Sunday, May 29, 2011

Two new albums added to our Album Power Tracks

It's time to start switching out some of the albums we've been featuring in our Album Power Tracks.

We've removed "Phoenix" by Asia and "Plastic Beach" by Gorillaz, but only temporary. Since we had another album featured by each of those groups, the rotation programming wasn't helping with the albums. We'll bring them back once we take the other two albums down from those groups.

For now, we are replacing those two albums with:

1) "Born This Way (Special Edition)" by Lady Gaga -- Here's a chance to hear what her new album sounds like. Is it any good, or was there a reason why it sold for 99 cents at Amazon on the release day?

2) "Living River" by Rawlins Cross -- Demonslover and I have played this group on our radio show over the past 5 years, so now we can pick one of their albums and feature it on the station and see what else this Canadian Celtic band has to offer. It's a great band, and I don't know how many stations out there would play them.

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